Specialists in Acne treatments. Acne can destroy ones confidence and the lasting effects are devastating. Thats why we here at Dorchester Aesthetics Centre take Acne very seriously. And we get results, real results!
It starts with a consultation with our Expert Lisa Ryall and she will guide you through the process of clearing your skin step by step.
Clearance is a widely used method of treatment for acne. If performed skillfully, this treatment may be beneficial to break the cycle of congestion. Lisa is licenced to remove blocked pores and pustules, by opening the skin using a tiny lancet and using gentle pressure to remove the congestion. The procedure reduces the number of future inflamed lesions and the recurrence rate of comedones.
Steam is first used to warm the skin and dilate the pores and once the extractions are complete a High Frequency light is used to sooth and heal the skin, leaving a film of ozone on the skin to prevent infection. This does not eliminate the cause of skin problems but breaks the cycle and minimise breakouts. it is suggested to repeat this treatment every 1-3 months.
Environ Cool Peel- ideal for clients with photo-damaged skin and excessive redness.
The Environ Cool Peel Technology is a revolutionary approach in the concept of skin peeling. Traditional treatments are based on the destruction of the skin cells. The Environ Cool Peel does not put strain on the skin, but rather supports the effects of the natural processes of healthy skin. Environ Cool Peels are ideal for hydrating and refining; they repair cells and encourage cell exfoliation revealing fresh and youthful skin. Especially effective to treat scarring, rough textured, sun damage, acne and rosacea.